Sis. Stella Dinakaran |
Dearly beloved, God’s love for us never changes. He will never forsake us.
Some years ago, a husband with his sick wife, came from Saudi Arabia to Bombay for medical treatment. Someone who met them told them: “At a place called Cannanore, one Bro. Dhinakaran is now conducting Jesus Calls meetings. If you go there, the Lord will heal your wife.” Accordingly, the couple came to Cannanore. As the lady had cancer, in great sorrow they came and saw us.
One day, her condition became very critical. My husband and I met her, prayed for her in tears and returned to our room. When we went to the evening meeting on the next day, we saw from a distance that lady’s husband saying something from the dais. On going nearer, we heard his testimony with great interest.
After we prayed for his wife the previous night and left them, her pain had only increased. In unbearable pain, she had been keeping awake. The husband who had sat awake for very long, fell asleep. Suddenly, the lady saw someone entering their room. Robed in white and with a beaming bright face, He came near her and placed His glorious hand upon her, saying: “My daughter! Grieve not! You will be healed of your sickness. And then you should glorify me!” He then vanished out of sight, and the lady, relieved of all her pain, slept off like a child.
The next morning, she told her husband all that happened at night. Now he had come to testify before all what the Lord had done to them! How wonderful!
The Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). The Lord is changeless-yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is impartial in His blessings! His coming to this world had brought great joy to all people. So, grieve not! He desires to share in your travails and tears, in your triumphs and exultation. With your spiritual eyes, you can see Him at all times. The Lord is so very near you!
Loving Lord Jesus,
Your love is unchanging. I thank You for your love. I want to see your glory. Grant me your forgiveness and give me a pure heart. Help me to lead a holy life. Grant me all your blessings. Deliver me from my problems by your mighty power. Give me the grace to see your glory.
In Your matchless name I pray.
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