Prophecies of Dr.Paul Dinakaran – 2013 (Prophesied on Jan 2013)

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

My precious friend, 2013 is going to be year of great rejoicing. Isaiah 35:10 shall be fulfilled, which says, “... everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away”. This joy will come because according to Isaiah 55:11 & 12, the Lord will fulfill the word that He has sent forth to you till now. There will be great rejoicing.
  • I shall send the spirit of oneness among the leaders of the nation. I shall make the political parties to interact with one another in the interest of the nation. I shall create an atmosphere wherein they will realise that they will have no life if they do not act together for the welfare of the nation.
  • I shall command wealth and prosperity to the nation of India, so that people can eat to their satisfaction. Days of prosperity shall come.
  • India shall not act independently in the policies concerning world economy. The Government of India shall reformulate its basic laws to enable them to support to lead the world forward. This will pave the way for the industries in India and the businesses of India to flourish.
  • Never again will you fear any harm (Zephaniah 3:15). There shall be peace for a certain period both in nature and in society in the country.
  • I will stamp the head of Satan who is a serpent. He shall never rise up to torment My people this year. The spirit of deception shall not work through the devil and My people shall not be deceived. My spirit will open up the hearts of My people. I shall open their hearts and open up avenues in order to fulfill My will. On account of that there shall be great rejoicing in every ministry and in the nation through that. All the projects scheduled for this year will be accomplished in all ministries.
  • Joel 2:26 shall be fulfilled in the ministries and in the lives of My people. “You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will My people be shamed.”
  • I shall command a new heart to people in the society. Killing of new born babies shall decrease. The laws to adopt children shall be made easy in the country. On account of that, the guilt of bloodshed arising out of the killing new born babies in the country shall decrease and the nation shall be free of the guilt of blood and so God’s blessings shall overflow in this country.

  • The preparation of My second coming will be activated all over the world in this year.
  • Changes will take place in matters concerning economy and currencies. The value of currency in certain countries will slide down. That will pave the way for the change in the world economy and transfer of power will take place in many countries.
  • In the headquarters of certain nations evil shall be seen and there shall be destruction.
  • Many terrible things will happen on account of the activities of the media in many countries.
  • Australia will face a significant fall in its economy. But only through that people will know that I am the Lord and I change not. The nation will then begin to seek me. My anointing as the fire of the Holy Spirit shall fall on the people all over the nation and it shall bring forth My glory upon the people and my servants. It will then change the hearts of the groups that mocked at Me in the country of Australia. The leaders of such groups will fumble and fall and My people shall then begin to receive support from the nation.
  • Great changes will take place in China. Changes will take place among the people and as well as in the policies of the government. Signs of dangers of war shall be seen in the country. I shall make small and insignificant people as leaders and they shall reveal my light to the nation and through them My truth will penetrate into the nation and henceforth they shall not be alone in the land of china.
  • This year all over the world My people shall receive great honour according to the days in which they were humiliated they will be honored in every nation. They who are at the background shall come to the forefront in many countries and reveal My glory. This is a year in which My people shall receive justice around the world. This year they shall have joy instead of sorrow.
  • India shall find a place in the councils of the nations of the world.
  • Israel shall have peaceful government.
  • Israel shall rally around all communities and shall have peace in its borders. In Israel peace shall prevail in its own communities.
  • In Israel His grace will preserve its resources and shall make the resources increase and no one shall take away its rightful existence.
  • I will uproot all those who do not support my people and shall make them lose their hold on their governance.
  • I will show myself as the God of Israel to its people and shall write my covenant of peace in their hearts enabling them to turn to my true love.
  • The wave of the spirit of Antichrist shall rise around the countries of Israel. However, they shall also see disasters in those countries striking their people causing them to retreat from their endeavors from time to time.
  • Worldwide calls for self destruction will be given, but my Holy Spirit shall be poured on those people who give those calls and their young ones shall begin to prophesy this year.
My precious friend, this is what the Holy Spirit showed me as to what would happen to God’s people, to the nations of the world and to India. But the most important thing is, this year God will fulfill all His promises in your life, one after another. Fear and torment will be removed and you will see God’s promises being fulfilled in your life, according to Isaiah 55:11& 12 and it will bring great rejoicing in your life as God’s child, in the ministries and in the nation. So be of good cheer.
This is a year of rejoicing as God accomplishes His word. Enter into this New Year with great joy.
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
