By Greg Laurie
Without question,
Psalm 91 is a real gem among the psalms. Next to Psalm 23, it probably has
brought more encouragement and comfort throughout the centuries than any other
But it's worth noting that the blessings promised in Psalm 91 aren't for just anyone. They are specifically given to believers — and not just to believers in general. These benefits are targeted toward believers who specifically meet the requirements found within the psalm. Psalm 91 is full of what we call conditional promises. In other words, God promises to do certain things for us, hinging on our doing certain things that are required.
But it's worth noting that the blessings promised in Psalm 91 aren't for just anyone. They are specifically given to believers — and not just to believers in general. These benefits are targeted toward believers who specifically meet the requirements found within the psalm. Psalm 91 is full of what we call conditional promises. In other words, God promises to do certain things for us, hinging on our doing certain things that are required.
Verse 1 begins,
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High . . ." The word
dwells could be translated as "quiet and resting, enduring and remaining
with consistency." It is very similar to the word abide, which we see
often in the New Testament. Jesus said, "He who abides in Me, and I in
him, bears much fruit" (John 15:5). That word abide means "to stay in
a given place, to maintain unbroken fellowship and communion with
Here's what God is saying: If you want to experience the promises of Psalm 91 — My protection, My provision, and My blessing — you must dwell in the secret place of the Most High. You must remain in constant fellowship with Me."
We have relationship with God because we have put our faith in Jesus Christ and have turned from our sin. But are we living in constant fellowship with God? Many believers aren't.
God is interested in a relationship with you — not just on Sundays, but throughout the week. He wants you to dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
Here's what God is saying: If you want to experience the promises of Psalm 91 — My protection, My provision, and My blessing — you must dwell in the secret place of the Most High. You must remain in constant fellowship with Me."
We have relationship with God because we have put our faith in Jesus Christ and have turned from our sin. But are we living in constant fellowship with God? Many believers aren't.
God is interested in a relationship with you — not just on Sundays, but throughout the week. He wants you to dwell in the secret place of the Most High.