Prophecies of Dr. Paul Dinakaran for the year 2014

Prophecies for India
  • My peace shall radiate in my servants, their longstanding petition shall be answered.
  • They will be served by the angels of GOD.
  • Their sufferings and battles shall end. Everything shall be perfected in their lives and Ministry.
  • My Grace shall come upon the young people of this country.
  • They will discern many things and shall come up with new solutions and findings in technology and services to nations.
  • They shall become national leaders of repute and shall govern this land in righteousness and peace.
  • The trends of life in the nation shall begin to change for the positive.
  • My grace shall come upon those in authority in the land and they shall be taught to govern with fear and reverence to my name.
Prophecies for China
  • China shall come up with agreements with India in several areas, this region of the world shall then have political significance.
  • That will pave the way for the gospel's influence in these lands.
Prophecies for  Latin American Countries
  • My peace and joy shall radiate in the Latin American countries and shall usher in growth and development.
Prophecies for Middle Eastern Countries
  • My gracious presence shall come upon the Middle Eastern countries.
  • Many shall see me and confess me as Lord.
  • Pioneering efforts shall be taken to proclaim the gospel there. And I shall bless them.
Prophecies for South African Countries
  • My peace shall radiate in the South African countries and they shall experience my glory.
  • They shall gather to become nations of repute for the gospel to spread amongst them.
Prophecies for World
  • Engineering advances shall take place in technology and science to usher in solutions for life in areas relating to fuel, transportation and in medicine, even through science.
  • My face shall shine upon the people. They shall know my goodness and turn to me.
  • Dark days shall cover the earth from the East to the Northern Countries.
  • There will be radicalism and hate among nations and people.
  • Children will be taught to hate people.
  • But even so My light shall shine upon the chosen few and they shall protect my people in those regions and nations.
  • There will be a move towards monetary unity and binding of trade in the world to bring in cooperation and peace to revive the world economy and usher in provisions for development.
  • Unity amongst the Ministries of the world shall begin to happen to usher in my Holy spirit to bring salvation to all people.
  • Doors shall be open through cooperation between ministries to implement strategic economic and development projects in nations to usher in my gospel to each nation.
  • In 2014 in every part of the world and in every country My glorious gospel shall descend as pockets and shall penetrate through the darkness from this year.
  • It shall then expand to all across each nation in the days to come.
  • My righteousness shall be required from every ministry and My servants, to usher in My glory across the nations in order to redeem humanity as well as the nations.