God is True!

Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true.
As the Scriptures say about Him, "You will be proved right in what You say." Romans 3:4
Either God is all-powerful or He is not...
If He is not, we are sunk;
If He is, we have nothing to fear.
Either God is all-knowing or He is not...
If He is not, we better figure out what is best for us;
If He is, we can be confident He will not make a mistake with our lives.
Either God is all-present or He is not...
If He is not, we need to find a way to protect and take care of ourselves;
If He is, we can be assured His eye is upon us, His hand is with us, and the covering of His wings is over us.
Either God is the Father of mercies or He is not...
If He is not, we should work hard to find a way to appease His wrath;
If He is, we can, by faith, receive the forgiveness He has provided for us through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Devotional excerpt by Roy Lessin