By Paul Dhinakaran

The Holy Spirit reveals to us the truth about God through His Word. The truth will enable us to trust in the power of God and walk by faith.

Dearly beloved,

God gives us His Spirit of instruction to protect us. In Nehemiah 9:20 we read, “You gave your good Spirit to instruct them (the Israelites).”

The Lord Jesus said, "You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29).

A servant of God, who loved the Lord with all his heart and was faithful in His ministry, was sick unto death. Even skilful doctors could not diagnose his disease; he was at the veritable door of death!

At that time, the Lord spoke to him thus: “My son, do you keep your heart and ears open to the infinite love of Mine, who sacrificed My life for you and millions of people who love you and who called you to do My ministry and has been guiding you so far? Or do you keep your heart and ears open to the hurtful words spoken against you and your ministry by a very few ignorant people? You have turned away your eyes from Me and the millions of people who love and adore you, and focused them (your eyes) on the few who out of their total ignorance and envy criticize you! Consequently, you have become discouraged; visitations of my Holy Spirit are obstructed; because of this, the devil gets access to touch your body with disease!”

The Israelites turned their hearts away from God though they had personally witnessed several miracles of God! That is exactly why He gave them His Spirit of instruction.

The Bible says, “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit reveals to us the truth about God through His Word. The truth will enable us to trust in the power of God and walk by faith.