Showing posts with label Miracles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miracles. Show all posts


Warning: This footage is pretty gruesome but we are showing it to give glory to God and tell the world that MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN TODAY!!!

Mrs Bose Stephens was at death's door when she came to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria. Unable to talk and barely able to walk, a horrific skin disease had left her the shadow of her former self.

However, after prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua, her situation radically changes as supernatural healing takes place in the name of Jesus Christ!

Dead African pastor raised to life - Part 2

Daniel Ekechukwu Back from the Dead

Daniel Ekechukwu, pastor of the Power Chapel Evangelical Church in Onitsha, Nigeria, died from head and chest injuries sustained in a car accident on Friday 30th. November 2001. He was medically certified dead for more than 42 hours; during this period he visited Heaven and Hell, and was raised from the dead around 5:15 pm. on Sunday, December 2nd. 2001 in the basement of the Grace of God Mission, located in Onitsha, Nigeria. You can read the full account of this resurrection miracle here

What follows is a compilation of answers to questions put to Daniel, and Nneka his wife, about this miracle, together with details Daniel has shared in his many public testimonies.
Daniel reads his own death certificate
Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead? Acts 26:8 Holy Bible NIV

Questions People Ask
The three most frequent questions are;
  • What happened after he died, and does he remember anything?
  • Did he see Heaven, and what was it like?
  • How has this changed his walk with God?
What Happened to Daniel After He Died
Daniel was in an ambulance travelling the 80 km. to his local hospital, he knew that he was dying, and so began to give final instructions to his wife, Nneka, about church and personal documents. He called her to continue caring for the church and their son. Through her tears, Nneka rebuked him for talking of death instead of having faith in God's power to save.

While she was speaking, Daniel saw two large angels inside the ambulance, they were completely white, even the pupils of their eyes. Daniel tried to talk to the angels, but one motioned for his silence. They lifted him from his broken body, holding him under each arm of his spirit, which was uninjured. As soon as they left the ambulance, Daniel became oblivious of this world, and of time itself. To him the 42 hours he was clinically dead, seemed like only 15 minutes.
Daniel`s death certificate
Daniel Visits Heaven
The two large angels who carried his spirit from his body passed him to another angel who took Daniel to Paradise. Whenever a question occurred to him, the angel would supply the answer immediately and remove any confusion from his mind.

They witnessed a throng resplendent in white, raising their arms, worshipping and bowing in unison. Daniel thought they were angels, but was informed that they were believers who had followed Christ on earth. They had no racial characteristics, and were ageless, apart from one man who seemed older, the angel told Daniel it was Father Abraham.

Daniel longed to join the worshippers, but the angel said they would next go to see the mansion Christ promised the righteous. As soon as he said it, they were there. Daniel is lost for words to describe it, except to say that it seems infinite in size, that it was made of light, and something like glass. He couldn't see any people, but noticed beautiful singing, the angel pointed to its source, the flowers around the mansion were swaying and praising God. Indeed the mansion and rooms also appeared to move continually.
The angel told Daniel, "The mansion is ready, but the saints of God are not. Jesus is being delayed because Christians in the church are not ready yet."

Daniel Visits Hell
The angel next escorted Daniel to Hell, where they stood at the gate. The angel lifted his hand, and let it fall, the gate opened, and Daniel heard the terrifying sound of people screaming and weeping. It was too dark to see anything until light shone from the angel, then Daniel could see people in awful suffering.

He noticed three specific groups going through cycles of torment, forever reaping in Hell what they had sown on earth. One group ate their own flesh and vomited it onto the ground, then the vomit would whisk back onto their bodies, and become flesh that they would eat again. The angel said these people were those who had eaten human flesh as an occult practice. Ritual cannibalism is still practised in many parts of the world, including the West.

Another group had stolen land from others while on earth. In Hell, they repeatedly dug hard ground with their bare hands.

 A further group, were fornicators and adulterers. In Hell, their mutilated sexual organs, which after being destroyed, would be regenerated, only to be self-mutilated again.Those who sin sexually, sin against their own bodies.

Sinners will be accorded perfect justice; what they have sown on earth, they will reap eternally in Hell.

Pastor Daniel also recognized individuals he knew. There was a former military dictator of Nigeria. He saw a Christian who had become involved with occult practices and fallen away from the Lord, and a pastor who had appropriated funds illicitly from his own church, and lied about it. The former pastor could see Daniel, but not the angel, and pleaded that he would return the money if Daniel could help him escape Hell. But there is no escape; there is no way out of Hell if Jesus is rejected as Lord on earth. All of the people in Hell twisted in agony under an unseen power that gripped them repeatedly. They shouted, wailed and gnashed their teeth.

Pastor Daniel says that if every Christian could see what he saw, there would be no need to preach the Gospel, because every Christian would become the Gospel.

Hell is real, God's Judgment is final, be sure that you are saved and following the Lord Jesus Christ.
The escorting angel really shocked Daniel by saying to him, "If your record is to be called here, you will in no doubt be thrown into Hell." Pastor Daniel declared, "I am a man of God! I serve Him with all my heart!" But a Bible immediately appeared in the angel's hand, open at Matthew 5, where Jesus warned that anyone who calls his brother a fool, is guilty enough to go into the fire of Hell.

Pastor Daniel was convicted. He wasn't living right before God. Indeed he'd been arguing with his wife before his fatal trip, and spurned her attempts to reconcile on the morning he left. He'd spoken angry words to his wife. The angel reminded him that Jesus said that God would not forgive our sins unless we forgive others (Matt. 6:14-15). The angel told Daniel that the prayers he uttered as he lay dying were nullified by unforgiveness for his wife. Sobering thoughts for all of us.

How this changed his walk with God

Daniel wept at this revelation, but the angel told him not to cry, because God was going to send him back to the Earth 'to grant the rich man's request'. This refers to Luke 16:27-30 where the rich man in torment in Hell asked for Lazarus the beggar to rise from the dead and warn his family of Hell. That particular man's request was refused him because his family's hearts were too hardened. But it doesn't rule out future people coming back from the dead warning sinners of Hell.

The angel said Daniel's resurrection would serve as a sign, and be the last warning for this generation.
Have you heard sinners rebuff your evangelising with sneering comments like, 'Well, has anybody ever come back from Hell to warn us?' I hear replies like this frequently, even from unsaved relatives. Daniel is not the first person to report on the reality of Hell, God has shown it to many people. Christ Himself spoke of it more than anyone else in the Bible. It's real, it's important, it's final.

Pastor Daniel was then led to the top of a mountain, where there was a large hole full of darkness. The angel handed Daniel to a man standing there whom he didn't recognize, but later realized was German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The angel told Daniel that Bonnke would help him proclaim the Gospel of salvation. Daniel and Reverend Bonnke fell into the hole, and that is when Daniel sat up from the table where he lay at the Grace of God Mission. He was back in his body, alive after at least 42 hours of death, nearly two full days.
Reinhard Bonnke with Daniel
This experience caused Daniel to repent of all sin he was aware of; it has transformed his walk with God. What was wrong in his life, he immediately put right. His testimony has the same effect on almost all who hear it. The CfaN camera crew who filmed his testimony, could not sleep for three days until each of them brought their lives up to God's Word. Christ wants His people holy, walking in righteousness, and love, being merciful as He is merciful. Daniel says that just being near people who are arguing makes him wince. Do you understand what he means Beloved? His testimony has certainly made me more conscious of God, and careful in my walk with Him.

Daniel has since preached to millions, sharing his testimony at CfaN crusades around Africa.
Over 9 million souls have been saved in six months of such crusades. Bonnke describes it as glorious ocean wave rolling on, unstoppable despite much opposition from Muslims. Daniel has been on Christian TV and radio around the world bringing people to genuine repentance and faith in Christ.

God is certainly using his resurrection to reap the final harvest before Judgment Day.
Get right with God. Warn nominal 'Christians' to repent, and tell sinners what God has done for them in Christ. You may be the last person to point them to the only Saviour. Time is short.
Pastor Daniel and wife, Nneka
Postscript: In March of 2003 Pastor Daniel and Nneka were both in hospital following another car accident, but they quickly recovered and resumed their Gospel ministry.

Nine million souls have been saved in six months

Dead African pastor raised to life - Part 1

The Story of Daniel Ekechukwu

Rigor Mortis Corpse Leaves His Coffin

Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead? Acts 26:8 Holy Bible NIV
Crossing Death's Path

In the morning of November 30th 2001, Daniel Ekechukwu, the pastor of the Power Chapel Evangelical Church in Onitsha, with his friend Kingsley Iruka took a Christmas present of a goat to his father in a village near the town of Owerri. Daniel drove his 20-year-old Mercedes 230. On the way back home, travelling down a steep road, the Mercedes brakes failed. Daniel could do nothing. Gathering speed the vehicle hurtled downhill unstoppable. Its career, and Daniel's, ended as it smashed into a stone pillar.

Without a seat belt Daniel was catapulted violently forward. His head hit the windscreen and the steering wheel and knob punched into his body. Daniel's friend Kingsley Iruka, shocked though not badly hurt, turned to Daniel, hoping all was well. But the sight appalled him. Blood was pouring from Daniel's nose from a head injury, and then he began vomiting blood from heavy internal hemorrhage.

Rescue presently came. Marvelously Daniel held up until he was placed in the local hospital's intensive care, or the Nigerian best equivalent of it. His wife, Nneka was sent for. She found Daniel still alive but only just. He hung on to life to ask her to have him taken to his family doctor's hospital in Owerri -- a very serious mistake. It meant anything but a smooth ride of one and a half hours.

Within minutes of being lifted into the ambulance Daniel felt himself dying. He tried to whisper his last words and instructions to Nneka. Especially he begged her to see the work of their church continued. He also tried to inform her about one or two church situations she ought to be aware of, but his speech slurred, became incoherent and stopped as he drifted into unconsciousness.

The ambulance driver pushed on however, at full speed, warning sirens blaring. Reaching the Owerri Regional Hospital they ran in shouting "Emergency! Emergency." Daniel's doctor, however, was not on duty. Instead a member of the medical staff took charge and checked Daniel's now limp form. He turned to them with a sad face. He could only certify that Daniel was already dead.

His wife Nneka naturally was shocked. But a Bible verse had been ringing in her mind from
 Hebrews 11
Women received their dead raised to life again.

An irrational conviction seized her. This meant her. She would see Daniel alive and well again. In what follows Nneka was the key figure.

Evidence of things hoped for
The text in Nneka's head made it impossible for her to accept the plain evidence that Daniel had gone or allow him to be buried. Her agitation dictated that something must be done. They hurried to see Daniel's uncle, Okoronkwo Emmanuel living near the hospital and asked if he knew where their own family doctor was. He did not know, but led them to see his own doctor, Dr. Jossy Anuebunisa at the St. Eunice Clinic. 

Daniel was taken there and seeing Nneka's determination again the doctor checked. He could only confirm death had taken place. The time registered was 11:30 p.m. of the day of the car accident.

The doctor then wrote out his report on the decease of his patient and asked if they wished to have Daniel laid in the clinic's mortuary. They declined. Instead they again moved the body to Daniel's father in the village near Owerri and from there to the Ikeduru General Hospital Mortuary, not far away. The resident mortician, Mr. Barlington R. Manu, also carried out the normal checks and by then it was after midnight, one o'clock Saturday morning.

The mortuary having no cold storage facilities, the mortician administered the usual chemical injection and prepared the body for embalming on the following morning. With a staff member he laid the body out on a mortuary slab between two other dead people. Everyone then retired for the night.

Faith: The Turning Point

Meanwhile Daniel's wife convinced her husband would live again, wanted his body taken to the church in Onitsha where Reinhard Bonnke was to speak at a dedication ceremony of the Grace of God Ministries. Daniel's father, however, was a Mormon and declared he would decide. He said he would go and "hit him with the Bible seven times", and if Daniel did not rise, then Nneka must accept the fact that he was not going to rise from the dead, and that must close the matter. He did go and struck the corpse as he said seven times, with no result whatever.

Nneka, being a Christian, considered a Mormon would not understand. His performance meant nothing except to put her off. She would not give up. She pestered her father-in-law. Daniel must be taken to the Bonnke meeting. Realizing that if he refused this favor, she would remember all her life he had denied her request on behalf of her husband. Eventually he relented.

On the next day, Sunday, December 2, they went to take the body from the mortuary. But the mortician was worried about their intentions. To hide the fact that a body was being taken away as it was, with a one and half hours drive to Onitsha, as a pretext he dressed the body as for the funeral, placed it in a coffin and shut the lid. They took Daniel in his coffin and set off.

Arriving at the Onitsha church compound, the State security officer and the ushers saw them entering with a coffin and ordered them to turn round and leave immediately. Nneka however was determined. She pleaded and persisted not only for the coffin to be allowed in the church compound but brought into the church itself. 

Seeing her agitation, the State security office checked that the coffin did contain a body and was not a terrorist trick to plant a bomb. Finding only a pallid corpse he allowed them to proceed. However the idea of bringing a coffin or a dead body into a crowded church brought consternation and upheaval. Finally the 
Head Bishop's son Pastor Paul Jr. sought his father's permission to get the body into the building, but it would have to be only into the children's department. The children were ushered into the lower hall, and the corpse brought in the upper room and laid out on a table. The Bishop's son, Paul, and another pastor on the church staff, Bathcomery Nkwando, attended to this and found rigor mortis had stiffened the limbs.

Life Returns!

Two other staff pastors, Lawrence Onyeka and Luke Ibekwe joined them to guard the body. Meanwhile Reinhard Bonnke knew nothing of this and was preaching and praying upstairs in the main auditorium. After a while the pastors noticed a slight twitching of the stomach of the corpse.

Then the corpse drew a breath, and presently irregular breathing took place in "short bursts" as they reported. Encouraged, the pastors threw themselves into powerful petitionary prayer, stripped the body of the mortuary gloves, socks and shirt and began massage from head to foot, Daniel being as said "as stiff as an iron rod". They asked for fans to be brought in to give Daniel more air to breathe. As this news broke out in the sanctuary above it created hysterical pandemonium. Then, said Pastor Lawrence, at 5:15 on the Sunday afternoon, nearly two days after death had taken place, Daniel opened his eyes, sat up and leaned on Pastor Lawrence.

People began crowding into the hall to see this resurrection man. Pastor Lawrence was worried Daniel would not have enough oxygen, so he lifted and carried him into the church sanctuary. Daniel spoke for the first time "Water. Water." They gave him sips and then warm tea. To give him a clear space they seated him on a chair on the platform, where hundreds of people saw him slowly recovering. He had not yet collected his thoughts and for a while could not recognize anyone, not even his own son who came up to see his dad. However, he progressed, and within only hours, during the evening, he had full consciousness and coherence.
He became a wonder, and crowds besieged his home, so he was taken away to a secret location for two days of physical re-strengthening. The once-dead man not only rose from his coffin, but the serious injuries, which had brought about his death, were also healed without the slightest trace.

Reinhard Bonnke meanwhile had left the immediate scene to board a planned plane flight. Any doubts? Here are some hard facts that won't go away. For two days Daniel did not breathe, his heart had stopped beating. It was in a hot climate, not suspended animation in an ice chamber. He had been injected with a harsh chemical to keep back mortification. As a corpse he was carted around for hours, pulled about, and lay in an airless narrow coffin for hours. He should have had severe brain damage, but he is alive now without any ill effects.
Reinhard Bonnke with Daniel
This is no unsupported claim of bringing someone to life privately, as in a house. Here was a public event, an open demonstration of revival from death. If anyone has to be named, it is Nneka. Her incurable faith alone prevented Daniel's burial simply to bring him where she was convinced God could bring him back to life. She regarded Reinhard Bonnke as a man of God and that in the atmosphere of faith where he ministered this miracle was possible.

The faith of Nneka dictated the whole event and her faith was honored. By whom? Who honoured her faith? If not God, who else?