Showing posts with label Prophecies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophecies. Show all posts

Japan Earthquake Tsunami Prophecy foretold by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

"Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

According to the above mentioned Scripture verse, the Lord Almighty not only reveals His secrets through His prophets but also fulfills them. We present below the prophecy revealed by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on 1st January 2011.

"Nature shall be made to change to fulfill My will in every nation. The seas shall roll to change the geographical patterns.The changes in the nature and in the atmosphere will be seen. All people shall come together as one globally not considering the political separations between their countries, in order to study and understand these atmospheric changes to enable humanity to adapt themselves to live and make changes in their life styles in each nation on earth. This will unite nations. There shall be peace among nations. That is why changes take place in nature to unite humanity. Eminent scientists and world leaders shall proclaim that there is a God who controls the affairs of man and who has the ultimate control over humanity and nature and bow before Me this year. On account of this, activities shall begin to bring the whole world under My name".
Given below is the gist of the news that appeared in all National and International Newspapers as well as News Channels.

"A heavy earthquake struck northern Japan on Friday. The magnitude of this earthquake measured 8.9 in Richter scale. Following that Tsunami struck the coastal areas... Due to the impact of this earthquake, Japan has moved by 8 feet towards the U.S."

"Japan’s strongest earthquake on record that triggered a destructive Tsunami appears to have moved the main Island by 2.4 meters and shifted the earth on its axis. It shifted the earth on its rotation axis by nearly 10 cms".

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From Detroit, MI- Prediction of Earthquake in the Middle East, Usama Bin Laden, More on the Big E, Division in the Church, and more.. – Prophecies of Kim Clement

September 17, 2005 - Detroit, MI

It is time for Babylon the weak to be ultimately destroyed. Babylon the great has fallen, but Babylon the weak is buried. It's time for Me to open up the graves from beneath the ground. For they have looked upon the Western nation and they have said, god, Allah is punishing America, but He is not. There is no Allah, no Kabala. America is being purged to be strengthened. Would a father not chastise his child? You have been chastised. But I will move through to the Middle East and God said I will rise above and I will reign from beneath up. I will push death to the surface and shake the earth says the Spirit of the Lord. And this shall not be known as a purging but a judgment that comes from the Lord Himself. God will not allow the enemy to mock the people who have chosen to call My name out loud.

The wind came to America. The next sign that shall come says the Spirit of the Lord will be the sign of fire. Do not forget the three manifestations that came before Elijah before the still small voice came to him. Do not forget the manifestations that came to Elijah when he stood before the Lord and Jezebel had uttered her voice. He stood before the Lord and suddenly there was a great wind. And it came, but it was God, but He was not in the wind. God manifested in the wind but He was not in the wind. God is in charge of the elements; God is in charge of everything in life. But yet he may not be in it. But He may have allowed it to be the manifestation to catch your attention. It may have been the manifestation to catch your attention coming from God but He was not in it. He cannot take the blame for it. Mankind causes the problems by his will; you reap what you sow. Then there was a great fire; God was not in the fire.

Then there was a shaking in the earth. God was not in it, but God manifested it. Three great manifestations that this Nation shall feel, shall understand, and shall know. And this shall be a sign and I will catch the attention of hundreds of millions of human beings especially in this Nation.
This nation did not pray when fire struck at 911 and towers were brought down. Oh they prayed for a while and there was a slight political revival. But surely there was nothing that shook this country spiritually. It died a few months later and people forgot it because they were immune to television. Because they had seen it so many times. And God said the fire came and they did not repent and there was not a great move of My Spirit. Now the wind has come and God said, what shall My people do? Shall they curse the God of the universe? Will they say God has done evil to us? God said no, there are those that will say those words. But division will be brought to the surface. That which has brought divisiveness in this Nation is being brought to the surface. And God said politically I will shake this Nation. I will show them there is no one else's voice that matters but the voice of the Lord.

This great tempest and this great storm that came to America is but the second. There is a third. I told you that the Middle East and many nations have looked pompously upon America with Osama Bin Laden laughing in his cave. But God said who laughs last? None other than the Lord Himself. For that laughter shall be turned surely where his intestines shall come out of him and he will have no help for himself at all. For even as he has killed his own brothers (Osama Bin Laden killed his own brothers), God said thats what I did to a man who took over from King Jehoshaphat (Jehoshaphat's son was a man who killed his own brothers.) And God said I looked at him because I had given him the Kingdom and then suddenly after he killed his brothers he married Ahab's daughter. And then God struck him to where his intestines came out of him and he died in terrible pain. This was never my intention for Osama Bin Laden. It was my intention to bring him forth but God said he has killed his brothers and he has laughed at America. And God says I have watched and I have said they are laughing at a Nation that I am purging. But now the ground shall shake in the Middle East. In the east it shall shake terribly as never before where bodies shall come forth from the ground and God said take this as a sign, this is the final thing. For even after the shaking, America shall be effected by it. Listen, after that then the still small voice shall come and the prophetic anointing shall be move from one fold to a hundred fold and a double portion shall be raised upon the children of the prophets.

This Nation has opened its legs. And God said the Jezebel spirit shall be destroyed by what I do. For there shall be a tragic death that shall shake the White House; this is not the President of the United States but a tragic death, but it shall be right. Then I will join hands and join forces with a King, (I'm not talking about the President of the United States right now) within the political arena and I will give a double portion and the spirit of Elisha shall join forces. The King and the prophet shall join forces and as a result of it I will bring the power of Jezebel down out of America. There shall not be a woman President yet. For God said the day will come, but this is not the time. The spirit of Jezebel is not in a woman, it is a force that has controlled this Nation called religion. What has it done? It has killed the prophets of the Most High God. But God said no more, you cannot stop them. They are being born for business, born for politics, born for preaching, born for the media, and born for entertainment to take every industry and to rush like a mighty rushing wind.

Gatekeepers of America do not whore. Gatekeepers of America do not take ecclesiastical favors and expect me to smile. God said you spend time with the One and only God, and gatekeepers you will take the cities. But if you would whore and act the prostitute and you would say we will sleep with the enemy, God help you. For you have taken the daughter of Ahab and you have increased her power. This shall not happen. For the prophets shall no longer be in hiding, for I will raise them up, for they shall speak to Presidents and they shall speak to Kings. They shall be the evangelists to the Middle Eastern people.

In this Nation a prophetic sound shall come, and as a result of it you will not need the oil of the Middle East. There is a new energy that is coming forth. The prophet knows it as the Big "E" but knows nothing else. A new form of energy is coming forth, America is pioneering it and it shall take you from a trillion dollar deficit to no deficit whatsoever within a six-year period says the Spirit of God. And the Middle East shall say you still need oil. But America shall say no longer from you, for O Israel O Israel what is hidden shall be revealed says the Lord. America rejoice for this is your day says the Lord.

Gatekeepers of America do not play the game. Do not take ecclesiastical favors. Do not call the prophet villains. Do not look at them and say hands up, for there is no bullet in your gun. God said you are speaking and uttering and spluttering gatekeepers of America. Not all of them of course, but there are many gatekeepers that are spluttering curses to the David's that are hidden in the caves. Speaking evil of those who fall on their knees and cry to the Lord for hours. How dare you? Who made you King and who made you Lord? Gatekeepers of America you shall be accountable. If you do not listen I will take a child and replace you with a child, For did I not do that when I took Samuel and put him right in the midst of corruption? Did I do it to a King who was only a few years old and he became the King of Israel. God said listen if you don't cry out, the rocks will cry out. If you don't praise me the way I'm supposed to be praised in the cities of America, I will remove you and I will raise up the rocks to make a joyful noise and to proclaim my power says the Holy One.

This is a message that America must hear. I hold the gatekeepers accountable. Who are the gatekeepers? Pastors, evangelists, prophets teachers, elders, deacons, healers and workers of miracles, gifts of faith, the great interpreters of the language of the Spirit. God said all of you are accountable. Do not allow divisiveness for the prayer of my son Jesus is about to come to pass. John 17, I pray O Father that they may be one as we are one, that the world may know who you are. I am a jealous God. If the world does not know who I am because of the misrepresentation then I will remove those voices and I will raise up children to pray that prayer and to bring it to pass. The spirit of unity shall come back and the word united shall be the foremost word in the States of America, says the Spirit of the living God.

Note: The Middle East (also called Southwestern Asia) is a region comprising the lands that extend from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf. Click Here

Related Links:
Read e-mail article- The Earthquake In The Middle East
Quake Site Shaken By Alleged Terror Ties

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Sir Isaac Newton's Riddle

Excerpts from Biblical Novel Newton's Riddle By: Neil Russell

Sir Isaac Newton
In Genesis 12:3, God says, “I will bless those who bless and curse those who curse the Jews, Abraham’s descendants.” Newton’s Riddle by Neil Russell is a gripping supernatural thriller based upon this everlasting promise of God.
Before his death in 1727, Sir Isaac Newton, the famous physicist, concealed a prophetic script in one of his journals.

This mysteriously coded script detailed crucial future events involving Israel and the return of Jesus. Incorporating Sir Isaac Newton’s extensive research, Bible prophecy, and the bond that exists between America and Israel during the final days of planet earth, Newton’s Riddle is a captivating, suspenseful tale ripped from tomorrow’s headlines.

For starters, in this prophetic novel, the President of the United States is a woman, and the theme is a two-state solution to bring peace to the Middle East!

Dr. Ezra Schroeder, one of the main characters, is a National Security Administration codebreaker. During a trip to England to visit an old friend, Dr. Schroeder happens upon the cryptic contents of Newton’s final work. With each passing day, as the political clouds around the United States and Israel grow increasingly ominous, Ezra knows what he must do. With this vital knowledge in hand, he must become a modern-day Moses and implore the reluctant President of the United States to come to the aid of the Jewish state of Israel—which is on the brink of total annihilation.

In the following excerpts, Dr. Schroeder explains Sir Isaac Newton’s view of end-time prophecy, including his estimate of when the Messiah would return! (Newton’s research convinced him that the Messiah would return before 2060. Based on his study of Newton’s findings, author Neil Russell comes up with a date of 2016. Remember this is a fictional book—no one knows the day or hour of Messiah’s return. But we can know the season!

“Sir Isaac Newton was one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time. But most people do not know that he was also a formidable biblical scholar. Surprisingly, only 12% of Newton’s vast library contained books on the subjects of mathematics, physics and astronomy, the disciplines on which his scientific fame rests. This may shock some people, but the vast majority of the books in Newton’s library were on the subject of theology. He believed that the Bible is literally true in every respect. Throughout his life, he continually tested biblical truth against the physical truths of experimental and theoretical science. He never observed a contradiction. In fact, he viewed his own scientific work as a method by which to reinforce belief in biblical truth.

“Newton looked at the entire universe and all that is in it as a cryptogram set by the Almighty. A riddle that could be read simply by applying pure thought to certain evidence and clues that God had hidden throughout the universe. Newton sincerely believed that all would be revealed to him if only he could persevere to the end, uninterrupted, voyaging through God’s ocean of thought alone.

“Newton had one final obsession—solving Bible prophecy. Newton assumed that by the same powers of his introspective imagination, he could solve the riddles of past and future events that he believed God encoded in the Bible, specifically in the books of Daniel and Revelation. To Newton’s mind, it was clear that some prophecies would not be understood until the end of history.…

“The greatest physicist who ever lived, who worked out the mechanics of the solar system and the universe, spent the greater part of his lifetime attempting to treat the Bible as a source of scientific data. He truly believed that before he died, God would reveal to him the secrets of prophecy that were locked inside the Bible.”

Our Blessed Hope
Newton’s revelations were recorded—in code—in a black book called Our Blessed Hope. In this excerpt, we read an amazing email from Dr. Schroeder to Harry Andrews, a professor friend in England:

I am attaching the entire text of Newton’s journal with this email. As you might recall, before I left England I had just finished deciphering the original text from its coded form into Hebrew. The attachment I am now sending contains the original text, its Hebrew translation, and most importantly, the translation back into English. Once you have thoroughly examined the pages of this document, I believe you and the entire Cambridge staff will come to the same conclusion as I did: that what we have in our possession could possibly be one of the greatest finds in the history of mankind!

I am now going to give you my interpretation of what I believe to be Newton’s final message. Once I was able to decipher the entire original text into Hebrew, I saw before me what appeared to be a tangled web of prophetic Scripture verses starting first with the book of Daniel. I then discovered that putting verses from the books of Daniel, Genesis, Psalms, Ezekiel, and Zechariah together in Newton’s sequence produced a logical message….
Newton sincerely believed that God had rewarded his lifetime of unwavering faithfulness by selecting him to be one of the chosen few mentioned in Daniel Chapter 12 to receive God’s prophetic insight. Newton started his message by quoting one of the most familiar verses found in Scriptures, Genesis Chapter 12 verse 3. It is here that God swore a solemn oath to bless any people or nation who blesses Abraham’s chosen descendants, the Jewish people, and to curse any people or nation who do harm or evil in any way to the Jewish people.
He then returns to the book of Daniel where things get really interesting. Newton understood from reading Daniel that there would come a future time when the Jews would return from their worldwide dispersion to the land promised to them by the God of Abraham. He also accepted the argument that each of the prophetic weeks described in Daniel Chapter 9 was numerically equivalent to seven-year periods. But Newton vehemently disagreed with the scholars when it came to the interpretation of the two separate periods of weeks quoted in Daniel Chapter 9 verse 25, “So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; Jerusalem will be built again, with a plaza and moat, even in times of distress.”

The vast majority of biblical scholars interpret this verse by simply adding the seven sevens and the sixty-two sevens to come up with 483 years, the timing of Messiah’s first coming. Sir Isaac differed completely with this logic. He concluded that the first seven weeks of years or the forty-nine years prophesied by Daniel were entirely separate from the remaining sixty-two weeks of years. Newton calculated that the prophetic time clock of Messiah’s second coming would take place the moment Jerusalem was once again in the hands of the Jews. Messiah’s return would take place forty-nine years after this future event. Newton also stressed that none of these events could ever take place by the hands of the Jews alone, but only through the assistance and protection of a friendly nation.

Next in Newton’s timeline, the Archangel Michael arises to do battle against the enemies of God’s chosen people. These enemies of Israel are all listed in both Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38. Along with two evil northern empires named in Ezekiel 38 as Gog and Magog, the entire confederation conspires together to carry out an evil plan to utterly destroy Israel and the Jewish people. At that time, the Jewish nation will find herself totally alienated and hopeless. They will at last cry out in dire desperation to their one and only true Messiah, Jesus, and at last they will see their redemption.

Harry, I consider you to be one of my dearest and most cherished friends. You and I both share a burning passion in quest for truth. You also know me to be a man of sound mind. In closing, I would like to share with you my personal thoughts concerning Newton’s message. It is my firm conviction that God truly did reveal His end-times plan to Newton. I also believe that we are presently living in those predicted times. According to Newton’s interpretation, the hands of God’s prophetic clock started ticking the moment Israel’s army recaptured the city of Jerusalem in June of 1967. If you add the forty-nine years predicted in Daniel Chapter 9 verse 25 to that date, then Messiah’s possible return to Earth will be on or before the year 2016.

I also believe that Newton’s friendly nation called to support and protect Israel is none other than the United States and as long as this strategic relationship lasts, Israel will remain safe. I find it extremely interesting that Newton included direct quotes from Genesis 12 verse 3 twice in his message, once at the very beginning and once at the end. “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” This was purposely inserted as a warning to any nation that they would suffer severe consequences if they were to abandon Israel in her time of need or attack her when she was vulnerable. In spite of this warning, the Scriptures make it perfectly clear that on some future date, all nations, including the United States, will desert Israel. When that day arrives, the devil himself will lead the final charge to totally destroy what God has called the ‘apple of His eye.’

I will close now with what I call Newton’s ultimate riddle. I have to confess, Newton ends his message with a line that even I have yet to solve: “Always remember to never forsake the words of this prophecy, for concealed within these very lines, the wise shall know the end of times.”

Later in the book, Dr. Schroeder does go on to solve Newton’s ultimate riddle—which turns out to be a key to Israel’s survival and America’s future! Order this exciting book to read the rest of the amazing story!

Dear Mishpochah,

When I was a young Jewish believer, I was invited to share my testimony on Kathryn Kuhlman’s television show
(see picture at right). At that time, when I saw this “old” (much younger than I am now) woman do four television shows in one day, I thought that was a great miracle. Today at 67, I do eight to ten television shows in one day!

But perhaps the greatest sign of God’s favor has been His financial provision. I do not raise money on television. Why? Because it is a huge turn off for unsaved people. Many have come to believe this is the only reason for television ministry.

There are those who tell me it is impossible for a mass media ministry designed to reach the unsaved to exist with only seven appeal letters per year. But God has been faithful to meet our needs with our simple, childlike strategy for thirty-one years!

We finished 2007 debt-free thanks to your generosity and obedience. This year I plan to add three new television networks, create a new website for unsaved Jewish viewers, build a television studio/office and advertise on billboards, buses and in newspapers to increase our unsaved audience.

I thought you would like to see a recent picture of my family as well as a picture from a TV interview I conducted in 1980, fifteen years before we started It’s Supernatural!

As I flew into Brunswick last night, I sat next to a Jewish woman from New York who was about 35 years old. She attends a conservative synagogue. She was so “tolerant” she said every religion was right. In fact, she celebrates Christian and Jewish holidays. My heart went out to this woman who was so lost. She promised to watch my TV show! After this encounter, I felt like Paul in Romans 9:3: “For I could wish that I myself were accursed from [Messiah] for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh.”

This is God’s moment to reach the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Look at the following email and believe God for hundreds of thousands like it:

“I just wanted you to know that I have been witnessing and praying for my Jewish best friend for 7 years. It was not until I sent her Sid Roth’s book, They Thought for Themselves, that she claimed her eyes were ‘opened’ and she ‘saw clearly’ who Messiah is. She gave her heart to Yeshua yesterday!” —C.S.

Your partnership with me to reach Israel makes God smile. Thank you. 

Source: News Letter from