Paul Dhinakaran

By Paul Dhinakaran

Yet to all who received Him (The Lord Jesus), to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God    (John 1:12)
My dearly beloved,

Generally, during the time of seasonal rain (former rain) the farmers plough the field. After they plant the saplings, the latter rain comes. Then the saplings soak in the rain water and grow with life and the rice which goes through this process gives the people good strength and life.

In the same way, the Almighty God tells us, that He comes as the former rain and latter rain, pours on you a shower of blessing at the right time and in the right way. 'God turns the curse into a blessing' (Deuteronomy. 23:5).

God promises saying, ‘I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing' (Ezekiel 34:26).

How does the Almighty God descend as the former rain? Two thousand years ago, the Almighty ‘God was manifested in the flesh’ (1 Timothy 3:16) in the form of man. He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows' (Isaiah. 53:4,5). He put on Himself the sins of all mankind. He spilt the whole blood of His body as the latter rain to redeem the sins of all. The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin (I John 1:7); 'to all who did receive him, ...he gave the right to become children of God (John 1: 12).

Because of God’s great love for us made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions, it is by His grace you have been saved. To those who all receive the Lord, to those who believe in His Name, He gave us the right to become His children. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God (1 John 3:1). Children of God are expected to glorify the Father in heaven by following Christ and His Word. This day, make up your mind to no longer crave the gratification of sins rather choose to follow the Christ and His Word and live a holy life before His sight to enter His kingdom and to be with Him forever!

Group 1 Crew - "He Said (feat. Chris August)" (Official Music Video)

The Tragic Consequences of the Sexual Revolution

By Franklin Graham

The sexual revolution that began in earnest five decades ago with promises of new and liberating sexual freedoms has instead left behind a shattered moral landscape that has undermined the fabric and foundation of our nation. Casting off what was perceived as the puritanical restraints of previous generations, the ’60s and ’70s launched a new era of sexual experimentation. The revolution, publicly inaugurated by 1967’s “Summer of Love” in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district, promised an enlightened age of sexual morality.

The new thinking said cohabitation wasn’t really a problem. Divorce wasn’t nearly as harmful as once thought. Promiscuity presented no clear and present danger to the family unit. Same-sex attraction was perfectly normal. Pornography was little cause for concern. Indeed, an entire industry developed around its spurious allure.

Fifty years later, we can see that the results have been catastrophic.

In many respects the American family is completely unrecognizable, courtesy of a failed sexual revolution that has left a devastating wake of destruction.

In certain segments of American culture, more than 70 percent of children are born to single parents and remain in single-parent households. Nationally, more than one in four children today live in households with only one parent. Demographers predict that by age 18, nearly 50 percent of all children will have lived with just a mom or dad.

Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, and couples who cohabitate before marriage are even more likely to split. Some studies show that the proliferation of pornography available on the Internet has likely contributed to the declining marriage rate.

The freedoms promised by the sexual revolution have instead given way to ever increasing slavery and captivity to sin. The attempt to cast off moral restraint has only opened wide the devil’s destructive, deadly toolbox. “For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19).

The plague of immorality has so swept across the American landscape that there is virtually no place where its corrosive influence is not felt. The pervasive, immoral reach of popular media, which actively promotes every type of sexual misconduct imaginable, constantly agitates against the biblical norms of upright, godly behavior.

The Scripture is clear: “But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you. … For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous … has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God” (Ephesians 5:3, 5).

Today, what our society seems to value most is the freedom to do whatever we want, whatever makes us feel good. Anyone who would try to stop us from doing what we want—even when what we want is destructive to ourselves and to others—is mocked and vilified.

But God’s laws and commands are given for our good. Sexuality is a gift from God to be used within His wise restraints. Like the levees that hold back mighty rivers from destructive floods, God’s Word and ways are designed to keep our thoughts, passions and desires in godly bounds. They are for our good, not our harm.

“The body is not meant for sexual immorality,” wrote the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian church, “but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body’” (1 Corinthians 6:13). Our bodies, which one day will be redeemed, glorified bodies, are made by God for God. To flaunt His design is, in essence, to commit idolatry by prizing and delighting in what God hates.

Our culture, like ancient cultures that ultimately were destroyed in large part due to their own moral depravity, has been severely weakened. A stable family unit committed to the truth and precepts of the Bible was once the foundation and backbone of our nation. That model is now the exception, not the rule.

We know that as the end draws near, this world will be characterized by escalating violence and rampant sexual immorality. In Revelation 17 and 18, Babylon represents the “great prostitute” of the earth. It stands for the unbridled pursuit of sensual pleasures. The earth, about to be judged by the King of kings and Lord of lords, has become completely intoxicated by wanton pleasures. “For all the nations have drunk … of her [Babylon’s] sexual immorality” (Revelation 18:3).

As Christ is about to return, shouts of triumph break out as multitudes in the heavenlies declare: “Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his judgments are true and just; for he has judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality” (Revelation 19:1-2).

The only answer I know for any society in any era is the strong word of the Lord to the church in Thyatira who, though faithful in some ways, apparently tolerated sexual permissiveness that spread through the church: “I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality” (Revelation 2:21).

There is still time to repent. That is why Jesus is delaying His return, “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

My prayer is that we do not refuse that offer while there is still time. ©2015 BGEA

Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version.


By Dr. Paul Dinakaran

  • This year the Lord told me that the deception of the devil that had been overpowering the governance of the nation, the ministries and the people shall be exposed by the power of God's Holy Spirit and His peace. All the three shall have God's light and divine understanding as to what God wants them to do. Then, there will be growth on all fronts. Everyone shall experience God's blessings in their lives through this.
  • The people of India shall have grace to see His face this year and experience His power and glory. The people shall turn to the TRUTH. The Lord will embrace them. He will kiss them. He will bless them. And they shall become His ambassadors.
  • Even the government shall experience the guidance of God the Holy Spirit. God says those in governance shall cry out to Him, in circumstances where they would not know what to do. Then God the Holy Spirit Himself will guide them through His counsel. And He will answer the prayers that are prayed even by those in government to Him. Thus, God's grace will overflow into the nation of India.
  • Unity and integrity shall come upon God's servants in India. A sense of humility and righteousness shall come upon them and they shall bear great fruit.
  • In the days to come, surely My presence shall fall upon the east coast of the United States of America says the Lord.
  • Greater the damage, greater the trouble, greater shall be My grace. My power will come upon the east coast of the United States of America.
  • I will send My spiritual fire upon the people who thirst for Me there.
  • The "Power of Knowledge" even in the east coast of USA shall now bow before Me. Those people shall now acknowledge Me as the Lord.
  • And the Lord says, that He will fill the young people and the little children with His Holy Spirit all across the USA. They will get tired in their spirit over the filth and unrighteousness found in their families, schools and society.
  • They will become desperate and will feel that they have no hope because of these unrighteous acts of the elders of the nation as well as in society. It is at that time that the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon them. And these children who would be filled with the Holy Spirit by the Almighty God himself shall stand up against unrighteousness in society and among the members of the family and even in the nation. They shall address the social issues.
  • Those who had been harassed by the devil until now for the sake of Christ in the nation till now, shall now rise up to leadership positions in the nation. They shall be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • The nation will go through a cleansing due to their influence in leadership. "They will be My ambassadors," says the Lord.
  • The winds of change shall come to China. The Lord says: I will establish My wisdom and knowledge in the hearts of people and they will turn towards Me.
  • For the sake of My name I will surely protect their industries and technology in the nation for the gospel to go throughout the country. The nation of China shall be blessed through the business ventures that shall happen between the people who follow Me and the people of other nations. And those nations will be influenced to experience My love for them through these businessmen and women from China. And these businessmen and women who have righteousness in their spirits and who follow God's ways shall enter into the realm of power in the country during the days to come.
  • Righteousness and My wisdom shall come upon China through this means.
  • The Lord says, I will bring credibility to My people in the European countries from now onwards.
  • Today those who carry My name have no voice, but then the products that they manufacture and the institutions which they run shall have great credibility in the days to come, because of My name which is upon them.
  • The voice of My people who carry My name will be heard even in the Parliaments and they will cleanse and bring righteousness to the countries in Europe.
  • God says, My face shall surely shine upon Africa. It shall no more be a dark continent.
  • All the strife will stop and the enemies who are destroying the lives of My people shall be paralyzed. Those people who bring evil shall have no power and authority anymore.
  • There will be a time of rest in the countries of Africa and healing shall come forth among the people. And God's name shall come across the continent.
  • Genuine Evangelism shall rise up. "You will see women rising up and preaching the gospel all across Africa in the days to come."
  • "Today the women are harassed; they are killed, and their honour is tarnished. But now the time has come for Me to raise the women of Africa to realms of power."
  • "I will use them to break every power of witchcraft, to break the powers of darkness; I will raise them to bring My Holy Spirit upon the people in every nation of Africa."
  • "My wisdom shall come upon the women in Africa and they shall govern the nations of Africa in the days to come. They will put down the powers of suppression and evil. They will fight for their children and they will establish laws to bring governance and education among the women in Africa at all levels. ‘The evil fire shall be quenched by them, and My kingdom shall be established in every nation,' says the Lord."
  • When women shall rise to key positions, the natural resources shall flourish in every such country; My gospel will spread across the nations of Africa.
  • All the evil powers that are destroying the nations in the form of religion shall be subdued in the days to come. Their natural resources and their strength shall be cut off due to their evil practices and abuse of power. They will have no authority anymore. And the Lord says, My name shall have superiority and shall reign in the world from this day forth.
  • My friend, the days when the Holy Spirit shall come upon the young children has come. God's righteousness and the gospel spreading across the world and a time of peace for the nations are beginning. Strong governments, righteous rule and women leadership shall be seen in many countries around the world.
  • Those who are oppressed for the sake of the gospel and the name of Christ shall be raised to leadership positions in the nations and in ministries. The name of the Lord shall reign supreme as resources are provided for God's people.
  • This is God's plan and it shall be established by HIM from 2015. Would you pray my friends that the Lord will accomplish all that He has spoken and He will establish peace in your life and in the nations as well as His ministries around the world?
Father, I pray that Your peace shall come upon Thy beloved son, Thy beloved daughter. Let Thy Holy Spirit take total control of their spirit, mind, body, family and life. Accomplish everything that You have spoken Lord. You do everything for Your children and help them to have an accomplished life this year. Let them have great peace that they have never experienced. I pray for their children, bless them Lord, fulfill Your will and raise them up as Your ambassadors. In Jesus' name, Amen.
My friend, as this year is before us would you surrender your life to the Lord? The Lord has revealed His plans for you and me along with the nations. Let's surrender our lives to Him for the plans to be fulfilled and stretch forth your arms and heart to bless millions of people and wipe away their tears through our partnership through Jesus Calls ministry this year. May God increase His peace as you are a partner with Him to wipe away somebody else's tears through this ministry. God bless you and your children and may you have great accomplishment this year. Stay with us and together we will establish God's plan in the hearts and lives of millions of people as His partners. God bless you. Have a wonderful year of peace and an accomplished year of peace.


By Paul Dhinakaran

I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.    (Isaiah 45:2)

Dearly beloved,

The angel of God will come with you till you reach the place which the Lord has prepared for you. The Lord says, “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared” (Exodus 23:20).

He has prepared a place for you not only in heaven, but also in this world. A particular version of the Bible says, “He will elevate you to the place which He has prepared for you.” That’s why He makes your feet like deer’s feet and makes you walk on high places.

We read in Habakkuk 3:19, “The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills.”

According to this Bible verse, the Lord is going to elevate you in a special way from this month. You will jump like deer and go up to the high hills, the high place that He has prepared for you. The Lord Himself will go before you and bring you to the place which He has prepared for you.

Several years back, while narrating his first experience of traveling by Jumbo Jet, my father said like this: “When the Jumbo Jet landed on the airport, a small vehicle went before it. The words ‘Follow me’ were written on it. The double-decked big Jumbo followed it slowly. This small vehicle brought the Jet to the place where it had to be stationed.”

Like that small vehicle, we are like nothing before the Lord. Our Lord who is the greatest of all goes before us and takes us to the place which He has prepared for us. What a privilege!

Sometimes, when I happen to go to new cities, security guards dressed in black would accompany me, holding guns in their hands till they take me to the place where I have to stay. But here the Lord tells you, “I am going to guide you in a special way. I am not going to send guards for you. I Myself will guide you. I am the Almighty Lord. I will protect you. I will take you to the high and glorious place which I have prepared for you.” This privilege is for you, the beloved child of the Lord. So be happy. The Lord Jesus loves you. He will bring you to the high place which He has prepared for you.

The Lord says, “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron” (Isaiah 45:2). The Lord will go ahead of you and remove all the hindrances in your life. He will lead you to the right place where treasures of blessing are stored for you.